'This Has Completely and Thoroughly Ruined My Life' Says Crybaby Racist After Calling a Black Driver 'N*****' and Following Him Home

Jeffrey Whitman, the now-former owner of Uriah’s Heating and Cooling, was caught on video stalking Charles Lovett to his home and calling him the N-word because Lovett honked his horn at him while the two were in traffic.

Charles Lovett, the Black driver, also filed a police report against the bigoted businessman.

Whitman is whining about how his actions have ruined his life.

“It was an awful mistake and obviously, I don’t know how to explain it, and it’s ruined my life and it’s ruined my family’s life,” Whitman told The Columbus Dispatch. “I’m out of business, I’m completely out, I’m done, I’ll never work in Columbus again. This has completely and thoroughly ruined my life.”

Related Story: White Man Follows Black Man Home in his Truck To Tell Him ‘What a N***er You Are’: Video

There was so much backlash from the incident that he closed his business’ Facebook page.

He also issued a public statement that read:

Using the word was dehumanizing, unacceptable, and inexcusable. My actions reflect an unhealthy mindset I have developed and I need to work to change. … I also understand that racial tensions in America are higher than before, and I regret my part in contributing to that tension. I realize that words are hollow without action, and because of the hurt I have caused, I hope I have the opportunity to give back to the Black community that I have harmed in a meaningful way.Although, he “he lost everything”, he still failed to be accountable for his abominable behavior.

“I was just trying to address the rudeness,” he insisted. “The way I confronted him, I confront him as ‘Hey, you cut me off.’ I don’t know if it makes it right or wrong, all I can say is I grew up with it and not a big deal for me.”

Apparently, “n****” is synonymous with “Hey, you cut me off.”