Swimming While Black: Memphis Property Manager Fired for Calling Police on Black Man Wearing Socks

On Independence Day, Erica Walker called the police on a resident’s boyfriend for wearing socks in the pool while other pool goers were violating dress code rules. The other pool goers were white, and resident Camry Porter and her boyfriend, Kevin Yates, are Black. Porter asked Walker for identification that she was the property manager of Riverset Apartments; Walker’s response: I’m not about to go back and forth with you. You all need to leave.”

Porter, who recorded the incident on video, which has over 1 million views, refused to leave the pool that she pays to be able to use; that’s when Walker called the cops. Police responded but no charges were filed. Walker was ultimately fired by Trilogy Real Estate Group LLC, a business run in part by two Indian American brothers with immigrant parents.

Watch the video here:

The company’s immediate statement in relation to the incident said they took the allegations very seriously and that they do not support discrimination of any kind.” Three hours after the story broke on local news, they released a second statement: “After assessing statements from Ms. Porter and determining that this former employee’s actions violate our company’s policies & beliefs, she is no longer employed by Riverset Apartments.”

They also reached out to Porter to apologize.

Porter said Walker said pool rules were no socks, t-shirts, hats,” but two of Walker’s friends were wearing hats.

You can’t pick and choose who you enforce rules on. That’s what made me feel like it was racial profiling,” said Porter.


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