Humana CEO Bruce Broussard Offers Thought Leadership Ahead of World Economic Forum

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(Originally published on

As the world’s population ages, and chronic conditions become epidemic, healthcare leaders around the world “must shift from reactive, episodic care to managing health holistically, where the focus is helping people change their lifestyles so they can live healthier lives,” Humana President and CEO Bruce Broussard wrote in aWorld Economic Forum blog post.

Bruce’s blog, in advance of this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, noted that for decades health professionals have reacted to health problems, rather than addressing their causes.

“America’s costly, fragmented healthcare system, known for isolating and confusing people, is not sustainable in managing a growing population of ageing people living with chronic conditions,” he wrote.

“But it’s not just a US problem. The global population of the oldest seniors, 80 years of age or older, is expected to triple, to446.6 millionpeople, by 2050. Combined with the 50% of the world’s population that lives with chronic diseases today, this will certainly challenge healthcare systems around the world.

“Healthcare leaders worldwide must shift from reactive, episodic care to managing health holistically, where the focus is helping people change their lifestyles so they can live healthier lives.”

He offered suggestions to hasten change, from addressing the social determinants of health, to moving toward value-based care, to adopting interoperable workflows and systems. Together, such initiatives can slow chronic disease progression across the world.

Read the entire blog entry here.

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