White Feminists Attempt to Co-opt 'Take A Knee' Movement

In light of Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony, some white feminists began to call for prolong protests against rape culture and those who promote it. They have even discussed calling it #TakingAKnee.

Historically, white women have been complicit in the atrocities committed against others, and their alliances have been touch-and-go until their own personal rights, bodies and agendas are violated. With the confirmation of Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice, white women now wish to co-opt an already existing movement based on the injustices against Black people.

Molly Ringwald took to Twitter to announce a”new” movement. More tone-deaf chatter from white women. It happened with the #MeToo movement as well.

This is so exhausting. Nobody is saying that white women shouldn’t take a stand. However, why do white women constantly attempt to take over already existing movements for their own Why does their victimhood supersede everyone else’s

Bishop Talbert Swan weighed in on the hijacking of #TakeAKnee which was started by Colin Kaepernick.

His assessment was spot on. The thought of police brutality against Black people, including women, in this country didn’t make white women want to take a knee Perhaps white women seem to think that only they can be victims and survivors. Whatever the case, find another way to protest because #TakingAKnee isn’t it.


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