Tim Ryan: 'PwC Stands for Inclusion, Acceptance, Equal Opportunity for All'

(Tim Ryan of PwC, No. 5 on the Fair360, formerly DiversityInc Top 50 Companies List, tweeted the following message directed at the company’s U.S. team members on January 30)

Tim Ryan


As you have heard, President Trump signed an executive order barring immigrants for 90 days from seven countries.

We’re in the process of evaluating how the executive order impacts our people, and our Global Mobility team is contacting anyone we think may be affected. In addition, we recognize there may be some individuals covered by the executive order that our team cannot identify.

If you have personal questions or concerns, please watch for an update later today from Mike Fenlon, our chief people officer, on the PwC Inside internal homepage. This update will provide more specific guidance on how to get help with your questions. This situation is very fluid and will likely continue to evolve.

I want to thank all those who have reached out to me in the last 48 hours or so sharing your views. I have heard heartbreaking stories of people who had to cancel plans to visit loved ones or have friends who were outside the country when the order was issued and are not able to re-enter. Some have also written simply to share their fear, concern and desire to help those who need help.

I want to reinforce that PwC stands for inclusion, understanding, acceptance and equal opportunity for all … full stop.

We know that talent has no borders and that our firm, our clients, and our country all benefit when people of all backgrounds have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

I’m asking all of us to be guided by our values, to support each other and to listen and support those who need it. An act of compassion can go a long way. While none of us have all the answers, simply listening and letting someone know you care provides more support than we might understand. One lesson I’ve learned over the past few months is that when there are difficult issues affecting our people, silence isn’t an option.

Team, this is a fast-moving situation. Watch PwC Inside for updates, including one later today.

In the meantime, I ask you to treat each other with care. We are a team that is made stronger by people of different backgrounds, beliefs, cultures and the many other dimensions of diversity. Let’s stand together and keep our focus on the important work that we do and the clients who are depending on us.